Mobile Homes For Rent
Mobile Homes For Rent
All information about Manufactured Homes
Should you go for a house on wheels?
Indeed, the idea sounds fascinating. To have a house you can call your own and be able to take it where ever you go without worrying about break-ins. Surely, it should be something one can try, right? However, someone back in the 1920s came up with the exact same idea, ergo mobile homes.
So why has this not caught on, one may beg the question. There are quite a number of reasons why this never received much fame despite being used as symbolic signs in music videos in the 70s’ and 80s’. The most obvious one would be the fact that society never accepted these are quality houses. The fact that a house on wheels has no permanent address and is on the move most of its life causes one to think of all the perils it may pose through wear and tear. There is no escaping the fact that these, like most cars, tend to have a diminishable quality and worst of all, cannot be completely repaired. Mobile homes are categorized as low-standard housing options for those reflecting poverty or other related issues.
Another good reason why people generally avoid such setups is the fact that unlike other properties, these do not appreciate in value. Instead, they go the other way. The lack of room within it also poses a sense of congestion that one cannot escape. Having a lavatory next to the kitchen sink does not sound all that hygienic either. Maintenance then is a point where these perform badly and there is no possible way out of this either.
Mobile homes generally cost only as much as a family sized SUV which is why it is such a popular option for those looking for cheaper alternatives for their accommodation. However, cheapness does not always guarantee happiness or comfort. The falling numbers of such houses indicate, if anything, a rejection by both users and society. They may still exist in millions but the number will soon drop far below until these are no longer considered as an option. Selling it would only fetch as much as one-fourth the price you may have actually paid. Overall, the option is neither viable nor recommended.